Thai White Rice 5%   :   570 (FOB BANGKOK USD/MT)    |   Thai White Rice 15%   :   550 (FOB BANGKOK USD/MT)    |   Thai White Rice 25%   :   520 (FOB BANGKOK USD/MT)    |   Thai White Rice 100%   :   445 (FOB BANGKOK USD/MT)    |   Vietnam White Rice 5%   :   560 (FOB HCMC USD/MT)    |   Vietnam White Rice 25%   :   540 (FOB HCMC USD/MT)    |   Vietnam White Rice 5451 5%   :   570 (FOB HCMC USD/MT)    |   Vietnam Fragrant Rice 5%   :   595 (FOB HCMC USD/MT)    |   Vietnam Fragrant Broken 100%   :   500 (FOB HCMC USD/MT)    |   Thai Fragrant Broken 100%   :   530 (FOB BANGKOK USD/MT)    |   Myanmar White Rice 5%   :   580 (FOB YANGON USD/MT)    |   Myanmar White Rice 25%   :   560 (FOB YANGON USD/MT)    |   Myanmar White Rice 100%   :   430 (FOB YANGON USD/MT)    |   India Long Grain White Rice 5%   :   600 (FOB MUNDHRA USD/MT)    |   India Medium Grain White Rice 5%   :   590 (FOB KOLKATA USD/MT)    |   Indian Brown Rice Swarna 5%   :   500 (FOB KOLKATA USD/MT)    |   Thai Parboiled Rice 5%   :   630 (FOB BANGKOK USD/MT)    |   Indian Long Grain Parboiled Rice 5%   :   540 (FOB KOLKATA USD/MT)    |   Indian Medium Grain Parboiled Rice 5%   :   525 (FOB KOLKATA USD/MT)    |   Vietnam Long Grain Parboiled Rice 5%   :   600 (FOB HCMC USD/MT)    |   Indian Basmati Rice 5% (1121 Pure)   :   1300 (FOB MUNDHRA USD/MT)    |   Thai Hommali Rice 5%   :   880 (FOB BANGKOK USD/MT)    |   Cambodia Phka Malis Rice 5%   :   820 (FOB SIHANOUKVILLE USD/MT)    |   Thai Glutinous Rice   :   750 (FOB BANGKOK USD/MT)    |   Vietnam Long AN Glutinous 10%   :   650 (FOB HCMC USD/MT)    |   Vietnam AN Giang Glutinous 10%   :   650 (FOB HCMC USD/MT)    |   Vietnam Japonica 5%   :   650 (FOB HCMC USD/MT)    |   Corn India SPOT   :   305 (FOB NHAVA SHEVA USD/MT)    |   Corn Pakistan SPOT   :   220 (FOB KARACHI USD/MT)    |   Robusta Coffee Vietnam   :   3800 (FOB HCMC USD/MT)    |   Black pepper Vietnam   :   4600 (FOB HCMC USD/MT)    |  

Vietnam Grade-Wise export

May 21, 2024

Views: 25

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     Vietnam Rice Exports Reach New Heights in 2023 Amid Shifting Dynamics


    In a remarkable achievement, Vietnam's rice exports soared to a record 8.16 million metric tons (MMT) in 2023, surpassing the previous best of 7.73 MMT set in 2012. This impressive performance, which represents a 15% increase over the 7.11 MMT exported in 2022, can be attributed to a confluence of factors, including India's export restrictions and strong demand from key markets like Indonesia.


    The Driving Force: Indonesian Demand


    One of the primary catalysts behind Vietnam's export surge was the robust demand from Indonesia. As a major rice importer, Indonesia played a pivotal role in bolstering Vietnamese exports, particularly in the white rice segment. Indonesia's state-owned procurement agency, Bulog, played a pivotal role in driving demand, awarding Vietnam substantial tenders throughout the year. In 2023, it is estimated that Bulog's purchases from Vietnam amounted to approximately 1.07 MMT, representing a significant portion of the country's total exports to Indonesia, which reached 1.2 MMT.



    The Asian Dominance


    Asia emerged as the dominant destination for Vietnamese rice exports, accounting for a staggering 80% of the total volume in 2023, up from 67% in the previous year. This surge in Asian demand was driven not only by Indonesia but also by heightened demand from China, which imported 928 TMT of rice from Vietnam, primarily glutinous and fragrant varieties.


    While traditional markets like the Philippines (3.15 MMT) and Malaysia (400 TMT) experienced a slight decline in demand compared to 2022, other Asian nations, such as Singapore and Hong Kong, contributed to the region's overall growth.


    Diversification Across Rice Varieties


    Vietnam's success in 2023 was not limited to white rice alone. The country witnessed strong gains in exports across various rice varieties, including fragrant rice (3.3 MMT, up 19% from 2022), fragrant broken rice (340 TMT, up 38%), glutinous rice (921 TMT, up 28%), and Japonica rice (469 TMT, up 26%).


    The fragrant rice segment, in particular, saw robust demand from markets like the Philippines (1.84 MMT), Ghana (378 TMT), Ivory Coast (279 TMT), and China (246 TMT). Similarly, the fragrant broken rice market witnessed significant growth, with Ivory Coast (176 TMT) and Ghana (110 TMT) emerging as major buyers.


    Glutinous rice exports remained heavily dependent on Chinese demand, which accounted for 555 TMT of the total 921 TMT exported. Other notable buyers included the Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Singapore.


    Japonica rice sales also witnessed a strong upswing, driven by demand from markets in the Pacific Islands, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia, where preferences for short and medium-grain rice varieties have been on the rise.


    Shifting Demand Patterns and Emerging Challenges


    While the 2023 export figures paint a picture of success, Vietnam's rice industry is not without its challenges as it navigates the 2024 export season. One notable concern is the potential shift in demand patterns, particularly in the wake of India's gradual re-entry into the global rice trade.


    India's export restrictions in 2022 and 2023 created opportunities for Vietnam to expand its market share. However, as India's policies evolve and its exports resume, Vietnam may face increased competition, potentially impacting its pricing power and market dominance.


    Additionally, the current market conditions reveal weaker prices, rising supply tides, and buyer reluctance as the 2024 export season commences. This combination of factors could pose challenges for Vietnamese exporters, who may need to adapt their pricing strategies and focus on maintaining competitiveness in a dynamic global market.


    Looking Ahead: Key Factors for 2024


    As Vietnam navigates the 2024 export landscape, several key factors will shape the industry's performance:


    1. Indonesian demand: The Indonesian elections and the policies of the new leadership will significantly influence the country's rice import requirements. While most market observers expect Indonesia to maintain imports of at least 2 MMT, the final figure remains uncertain and heavily influenced by policy decisions.


    2. Production trends: Early indications suggest that the ongoing winter-spring crop in Vietnam will yield stable white rice production, strong fragrant and japonica rice supplies, but a potential decline in glutinous rice output. These production trends will impact the availability and pricing of various rice varieties in the global market.


    3. Buyer response to prices: Vietnam's export success in 2023 was accompanied by significant price premiums compared to early 2023 levels. How buyers respond to these higher prices, particularly in key markets like the Philippines and West Africa, will shape demand patterns and influence Vietnam's export volumes.


    4. Competition from other origins: As the global rice trade landscape evolves, Vietnam may face renewed competition from traditional exporters like India, as well as emerging players like the United States and Australia, particularly in the japonica rice segment. Maintaining competitiveness through pricing, quality, and reliable supply will be crucial.


    Navigating the Challenges Ahead


    Vietnam's rice industry has proven its resilience and adaptability, achieving remarkable export growth in 2023 despite global uncertainties. As the 2024 export season unfolds, the country's ability to navigate the challenges posed by shifting demand patterns, production fluctuations, and intensifying competition will be pivotal.


    Continued focus on diversification, maintaining strong relationships with key buyers, and fostering trade partnerships will be essential for Vietnam to sustain its position as a leading rice exporter. By leveraging its strengths in specialty rice varieties and capitalizing on emerging market opportunities, Vietnam can position itself for continued success in the global rice trade landscape.

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